Historical development. Founded in 1952, China National Opera House is a state opera house affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Central Orchestra and Luxun School of the Arts Art Troupe founded in the holy land of revolution of Yan’an is its former body. In 1943, it launched a yangko opera entitled Reclaiming of Wasteland by Brother and Sister in Yan’an. In 1945, it threw White-haired Girl, a national opera, in Yan’an. China National Opera House witnesses vicissitude of history. To date, it is a national art troupe featuring largest scale, talent superiority and clout. It represents a country’s opera level and is the top palace for performance


Profound team strength. Opera troupe, chorus, symphony orchestra, stage artistic designing and production center and choreography plant to which the opera house is affiliated sees a cluster of a large batch of singers, performers, composers, conductors, editors, playwrights and stage artists enjoying strength and clout both home and abroad. Its then directors include Li Bozhao, Zhou Weisi, Lu Xiao, Zhao Feng, Ma Ke, Li Ling, Liu Lianchi, Wang Shiguang, Chen Xieyang, Liu Xijin, Yu Feng and so forth. Team members cover Liu Yunzhi, the President (famous violin performer), Zheng Qichao, Yao Hong (noted singer) , Li Danyang, Vice Presindents and Wang Xiaohong,Vice secretary of the Party committee,secretary of commission for discipline inspection.


Ample artistic attainments. Time rolls by. In its past seven decades or so of development, it has glistened footsteps. Examples cover a large batch of outstanding operas (festivals), notching up of national ‘Five One Engineering Reward’, ‘national fancy project for stage art’, Wenhua Reward of the former Ministry of Culture, Reward for Wenhua New Play, Wenhua Performance Reward and a tally of over 100 national awards. The opera house has attained their performance assignment in 19 major activities covering Leadership Summit for BRIC State Leaders, Boao Forum for Asia, APEC Summit, 20th Anniversary for Return of Hong Kong and the Party’s 19th Congress. It has grabbed honors for the country. the opera house used to launch premiere, produce and retain a batch of classical plays of world’s operas covering Turandot, The Lady of the Camellias, Madama Butterfly, Carmen, Eugene Onegin, Life of Artists, Jester, Marriage of Figaro, Cavalleria Rusticana, Servilla Barber, Clown, Hoffman’s Story, King Ice, bat, Tannhauser, Die Walkure, Fidelio, Siegfried, Gotterda mmerung, Tosca and Rheingold. It has accumulated and produced a batch of Chinese operas such as White-haired Girls, The 100th Bride, Marco Polo, Farewell to My Concubine, Dream of the Mountain Forest, Hongbang Tailor, Long March by the Red Army, The Red Detachment of Women, Manas, Epic, Fate, The Road, Xiao Hong and The Autumn Equinox is a Good Time to Plant Wheat . It historically launched Hua Mulan, the fancy program of opera. It is to help audiences fancy and adore art troupes of Chinese operas.


Internationalization of performance. The opera house has retained its international, instructive and open traits. It has been an active figure on the international stage of art exchange on behalf of the country. It used to join hands with Italy, France, Finland, America, Japan, Indonesia, Syria, Algeria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Morocco and other countries to throw Chinese and foreign operas. It used to glisten with its performance on such international stages as United Nations Palace of Nations, Puccini Art Festival, Budapeset Spring Festival, Ljubljana Music Concert and so forth to narrate Chinese stories, carry forward Chinese spirits and promote voice of China. Since its incipient introduction of Turandot, a classical Puccini opera, back in 1989, it has deemed it as a major repertoire. The opera version of Turandot tells a touching and zealous story with faith. It contains Chinese elements and Chinese culture. As a representative piece in the opera house, it used to be successfully thrown in Cairo, Damascus, Rome and Lake Tahoe, hometown of Puccini. It is received with approval by Puccini specialists and professionals. 


Diversity of art. Culture prosper with a booming country. The great revival of the Chinese nation can’t do without the grand rejuvenation of culture and art. On the road of artistic development, the performing forms of operas are increasingly diversified. Other than retaining an intact version of opera performance, it also throws innovative concert of operas and scenario concerts that are also greeted with consent and good praise by the audience. Opera artists have been constantly making updates from opera, to symphony concert to chorus concert so that audience would find it easier to accept and fancy high art. The opera house would throw no less than 100 performances in China and its footsteps can be found in all corners of the country. The presence of artists can be found in cultural pro-people public welfare performance, in rural areas and factories, in introduction of classic arts to campus and in international art festivals. From the northernmost corner to the southernmost corner of the country and from eastern coastal area to highland in the west, the artists are forever representing the image of the national team and throwing shows to the people. They are delivering love, hope and dream with music. Every year, the opera house undertakes the performances for major state affairs and diplomatic activities. At the invitation of Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov, in June 2019, team of China National Opera House performed Chinese original opera "Manas" at Kyrgyz National Opera and Ballet Theatre while the SCO Summit holding in Kyrgyz.President Xi Jinping mentioned in his signed article about the performance of China National Opera House on SCO Summit. “Manas” which considered as the cultural treasure shared by peoples of the two countries has shined once again during the performance. At the meanwhile, this play strengthens the traditional friendship between Kyrgyz and China.In 2019, China National Opera House also participated in the "Carnival of Asian Civilizations" and put on performance of musical dance “Fendou ba Chinese (Do your best, Chinese)” to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of People's Republic of China. In 2021, the Opera House participated in the theatrical performance "The Great Journey" to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China


With gentle breeze, it beams with sparkles. By sticking to the tenet of ‘launching fancy works, fostering talents, producing profits and seeking for welfare’, the opera house has formed the atmosphere of ‘cherishing life of art, cherishing honor of the group and cherishing bond among colleagues’. ‘By taking deep root in life and the masses’, it is organizing and launching all sorts of activities. In 2019, it went to rural areas, schools and geracomium in Sichuan, Gansu, Hunan, Jilin, Yunnan to throw a string of performance and assistance activities. It carried out ‘introduction of classic art to campus’ in 28 colleges so that refined art can take deep root in the actual life and among the masses and the best artistic works can be offered to people. China National Opera House is a harmonious, cozy and sanguine group that is sure to seize triumph. When clustered together, it is likened to fair. When dispersed, it can be compared to ‘starry sky’. Each individual is glistening and kindling. When put together, they can be likened to sparks of fire and would burst out glamorous hues to bring light to those who they are yet to know and to create moments to be imprinted in memory. 


‘We hold the staunch belief that we will edge ahead in the ocean with sailing raised high up on day’. The past seven decades witness glitzy history of the Opera House. Starting from building of the opera house by leaders throughout generations to concerted efforts by the whole team, it passes down its spirits of responsibility. On the occasion of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of China National Opera House, the theatre was built as a grand theatre belonging to people engaged in operas, attained aspiration and dream of opera performers throughout generations and root staunch groundwork for future development of the opera house. After over seven decades of history, the opera house will continue to stick to the lofty artistic ideal and high cultural confidence. It will hunt for innovation and changes despite difficulties, ascend higher by taking root in the plateau, incessantly gaining glory of art and march towards a more promising future.